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The Illustrated Collector's Guide to Alice Cooper Издательство: Collector's Guide, 2009 г Мягкая обложка, 480 стр ISBN 1894959930 Язык: Английский инфо 9400i.
The Illustrated Collector's Guide to Alice Cooper Издательство: Collector's Guide, 2009 г Мягкая обложка, 480 стр ISBN 1894959930 Язык: Английский инфо 9400i.

Bringing together biographical information, insights, stories, and detailed descriptions of his music, this fan guide to Alice Cooper covers his early bands in the 1960s as well as his solo career that continuафпъдes to the present day Devoted to each of the various directions of his career, this guide includes a biographical time line about his personal life, recordings, tours, films, television appearances, and insights into his diverse and distinctive career A complete reviбеачпew of collectibles and events, such as albums, tour memorabilia, and related comic books, are also included 10 edition Автор Dale Sherman.
